
Unmatched efficiency
in each project

PSCargo was developed to offer the best logistic solutions to the market, following the needs of every single customer.

Today we can serve from São Paulo, Limeira, Santos, Guarulhos and Santa Catarina. To top it off, in the International scenario we have PS Cargo US as our ally. In addition, for other countries, we have agreements with major agents, which we have long-term partnerships, thus sustaining our efficiency.

Our team is made of high-level professional, who are always prepared to guarantee support for costumers, from the start to the end of every project or shipment. Being always up to date, they guarantee quick, economical and, above all, safe solutions, reaching the satisfaction of our costumers.


Logistics and partnership walking hand in hand.



We know that what moves our company is people, therefore, we value everyone who is part of it at each stage of our projects. So, our relationship with our customers, goals and cargo are fruit/product of comprehension and adjustments because the particularity of each one is what matters for us. That relationship enables the market development side by side with the costumers. We believe logistic is the key to instigate business because it creates a greater dispute with perceptibility and easy administration.


For the best company’s performance, we prioritize a true relationship with our customers. Also, we express to them all the wisdom, information, and technology in a simple and accurate way. With that, we make correct choices quickly.


Prioritizing a healthy work environment with compatible behavior from our team, they feel good and have the pleasure to be part of our company. Therefore, with our team engaged and a well-developed relationship with customers, suppliers and contributors, everything is possible. However, it is essential for us to remember the constructive attitude that each one must practice today for a tomorrow full of achievements.

"Efficiency unique in every
project developed"
“We value everyone who is part of the company at each stage of our projects”


Rua Sargento Pierrotti, 514 - Centro
Limeira, São Paulo.
+55 11 97487-4337
+55 19 97419-5019

Rua Francisco Rodrigues Gasques, 58
Guarulhos, São Paulo
+55 11 99198-8540

QUAX - Sites & Sistemas

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